
So, last time Ratna & Enzo had babies Tex, Nel, and Amy to join their big (half) siblings Rue and Abi. Then a virus swept the world, the children had to stay home from school, and things just got sort of coo-coo crazy puffs. Oh wait, that last bit was real life, not sims. At any rate, I hope everyone out there is staying safe, and things are finally settling into enough of a routine that I hope I can get back to posting.

131Biggest sister Rue is not thrilled with the overflowing potty behind her, methinks, while youngest sister Amy munches a carrot in hopes of getting that plumbob a happier color.

132Tex tries to reason with the monster under his bed. It does not work out as he had hoped. I finally remember that darn light after this.

133Enzo hanging out on the couch with the two little girls.

134I thought this was going to be a fire.. but it appears to just be a broken stove? We take the lazy route and replace it.

135It’s Monday, and thus school project day! Rue, Tex, and Abi head to the yard to work on them. Tex flies through his, so I have him do his homework out there too. It’s too sweet to watch them all chatting. My siblings and I never got on this well when doing homework. LOL

136And speaking of siblings getting along.. Amy and Nel are busy being the most meltingly adorable toddlers out on the front walk.

137Another day, another round of homework.

And another dish left to fester on the dining table.

138No homework for Rue yet though. She’s supposed to be taking a jog to clear her mind.. but mainly seems to be using the jog to scowl at things.

139The little girls gather on the couch with Ratna to watch TV.. which appears to raise their imagination and communication. Binge-watching doesn’t rot your brain if you’re a sim.

140But just in case, Enzo reads his girls to sleep too so that it’s not all screentime 24/7.

141The next day the little girls get worked hard. Nel is thisclose to maxing everything, and while she’s a couple days younger, we’re not about to let Amy slack off either.

142Besides, napping toddlers gives Ratna the perfect chance to bake up a cake for the actual birthday girl, Abi! Johnny even autonomously came over to visit, so it’s pretty perfect.

143He seems a little sad that his baby girl is growing up so fast though.

144A lovely young lady though. šŸ™‚ We roll randomly as always and she adds Bro to her Lazy trait. She aspires to be a Computer Whiz.

145Just for fun, here’s our big girls now that they’re both teens. And yup, I play with walls down and don’t always remember to switch for pictures.

146Amy’s looking delightfully proud of herself. And really, me too. I wish all my sim toddlers were independent. lol

147Enzo’s taking a minute to play with Nel before I force her back to wrapping up skills. (She’s had movement done for a while now.)

148Ratna’s so pleased. She got to give advice to one of her children for once! Ha. When the school calls, she’s always at work so it’s always Enzo that advises there.. and the kids have tended to go to him as well once he’s home.

149Abi settles in to quickly raising that logic skill to 4.

150Tex is.. still here. LOL Poor middle child. I forget about him a lot. He’s generally on his violin anymore.

151And I’m happy to announce that Nel made the cut for maxing out her toddler skills before her birthday.

152Aw, and she’s a cutie too!

153Seriously, I’m never going to be able to pick for heir. She rolls Loner as her trait and we give her Rambunctious Scamp for an aspiration since she maxed movement before anything else as a toddler.

154Two A students (Rue & Tex), two B students (Abi & Nel, who have tons of time to raise those grades.)

155And a promotion for Enzo, bringing him to a personal trainer!

156Everyone is gathered in the living room to help Amy along with her skilling. The TV is on for imagination, and a chorus of “Why?” is queued up.

157Rue had managed to escape the “Why?” onslaught, but helps out in other ways. šŸ™‚

158Definitely a resemblance there. šŸ™‚

159Here’s Rue with her mate-to-be, Jonas

160And Abi making an “overly attached girlfriend” face at her guy, Mathieu

161This all-smiles girl is in the midst of stomping off to her time-out.

162Once she gets there, she’s appropriately grouchy about the whole situation. Too bad, Nel. Once you hit school-age, you’re old enough to know not to dump paint on the ground.

163Meanwhile our actual toddler is busy being responsible and skilling away, orange plumbob be darned. (I didn’t quite make top-notch with Rue, but I’m determined to with all the others!)

164Abi’s applying herself to skilling.. on her video games. Ha.

165Rue’s loving Enzo’s new career task of mentoring someone in fitness daily.

166Tex is loving his fish and chips. LOL

167And Ratna gives the garden love.. at the cost of smelling to high heaven.

168Finally, Amy maxed out all her skills! She actually did it faster than any of the others (by a few hours lol). Time for this girl’s birthday!

169And here she is! I feel like she’s got a look most “her own” out of her siblings. Eager to see as she grows. She rolled the Outgoing trait and has the Social Butterfly aspiration.

And with officially no more toddlers, I feel like that’s a good time to end that. I’ll have to work on getting an heir poll up soon.. maybe next time? I know Amy at least (maybe Nel too) will still be a child when Rue hits young adult, but I’ll just not move anyone out until heir is chosen.

3 thoughts on “1.4

  1. Damn, Enzo is SO ripped. All those muscles, boi. Too bad his son didn’t get any of them. But I love Mr Chubs Tex with his fish and chips. The kids are all so great, going to be tough to choose just one for heir.

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    1. Right? And I have no idea where he gets it from, genetics-wise. Like.. Ratna isn’t stick thin, but she’s had 5 kids and from what I’ve seen TS4 (much like real life lol) likes to add on extra poundage for each baby.. but her metabolism seems to have held it mostly at bay. And Enzo of course works out daily. And then along comes sweet, cuddly Tex. Maybe I’ll have him be who Enzo “mentors” when he ages up.. but I don’t think I’ll ever work him out down to thin or ripped. This look just fits him. šŸ™‚

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